
Exam Forms

By logging in to Weill Cornell Connect, eCheck-In makes it easy to save time and complete all safety forms required for your upcoming appointment. 

Exam Preparation

Please notify our staff when scheduling and checking in for your appointment if any of the following apply to you:

  • If there is any possibility that you are pregnant or if you are currently breastfeeding.
  • If you need an interpreter to assist you with your native language. 

What should I wear to my appointment?

Wearing the right clothing may eliminate the need for you to change into a gown prior to your exam.

  • Wear loungewear, pajamas, or loose-fitting cotton or linen clothing without metal embellishment. Metal can affect the quality of the images.
  • Do not wear clothing or undergarments with metal fasteners, zippers, hooks, under wires or other metal components.
  • Please leave items such as watches and jewelry at home.

What should I bring with me on the day of my appointment?

  • A copy of the prescription for your examination if it was given to you.
  • Your insurance information.
  • A completed exam form if you did not already email it to us.
  • A list of your current medications.

What can I expect on the day of my appointment?

Patient verification is an important part of your safety and you will be asked to verify your identification and your exam several times during your appointment. Our check-in staff will review your completed registration forms with you.

For many exams you will not have to change into a gown unless you are wearing something that contains metal (see guidelines above).  Some exams do require that you are in a gown. You will be asked to remove and place your electronic devices, wallet, credit cards, metro card, watch, jewelry, belt, hairpins, eyeglasses, hearing aid, or any removable dental pieces into the provided lockers. It is best to keep valuables at home.

How is an X-ray performed?

  • You will be positioned on an x-ray table that carefully positions the part of the body that is to be x-rayed between the x-ray machine and a cassette containing the x-ray film or specialized image plate. Some examinations may be performed with the patient in a sitting or standing position.
  • Body parts not being imaged may be covered with a lead apron (shield) to avoid exposure to the x-rays.
  • The x-ray beam will be focused on the area to be photographed.
  • You must be very still or the image will be blurred.
  • The technologist will step behind a protective window and the image is taken.
  • Depending on the body part under study, various x-rays may be taken at different angles, such as the front and side view during a chest x-ray.
  • Upon completion, the technologist will escort you outside of the scanning room where you will retrieve your personal belongings and proceed to check-out.
Our staff is available to address any questions or concerns that you might have before, during, or after your appointment. Please call (212) 746-6000 if you wish to speak with us.


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What is an x-ray?

X-rays use invisible electromagnetic energy beams to produce images of internal tissues, bones, and organs on film or digital media. Standard x-rays are performed for many reasons, including diagnosing tumors or bone injuries.

X-rays are made by using external radiation to produce images of the body, its organs, and other internal structures for diagnostic purposes. X-rays pass through body structures onto specially-treated plates (similar to camera film) or digital media and a "negative" type picture is made (the more solid a structure is, the whiter it appears on the film).

When the body undergoes x-rays, different parts of the body allow varying amounts of the x-ray beams to pass through. The soft tissues in the body (such as blood, skin, fat, and muscle) allow most of the x-ray to pass through and appear dark gray on the film or digital media. A bone or a tumor, which is denser than the soft tissues, allows few of the x-rays to pass through and appears white on the x-ray. At a break in a bone, the x-ray beam passes through the broken area and appears as a dark line in the white bone.

X-ray technology is used in other types of diagnostic procedures, such as arteriograms, computed tomography (CT) scans, and fluoroscopy.

If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, it is important that you notify your physician before you have an x-ray.

Weill Cornell Imaging at NewYork-Presbyterian

1305 York Avenue,
3rd Floor

New York, NY 10021

1283 York Avenue,
7th Floor

New York, NY 10065

520 East 70th Street,
Starr Pavilion, Ground Floor

New York, NY 10021

425 East 61st Street,
9th Floor

New York, NY 10065

2315 Broadway,
4th Floor

New York, NY 10024

504 West 35th Street,
2nd Floor

New York, NY 10001

53 Beekman Street,
Ground Floor

New York, NY 10038

416 East 55th Street
New York, NY 10022

28-25 Jackson Avenue,
2nd Floor

Long Island City, NY 11101